Lawrence Solomon: Drop effort to keep Somalia together
Lawrence Solomon: Drop effort to keep Somalia together Lawrence Solomon Jun 1, 2012 – 10:18 PM ET | Last Updated: Jun 1, 2012 10:36 PM ET Better to break up this artificial nation. Last in a series. To save Somalia from piracy, terrorism, hunger, corruption, warlordism and a third decade of anarchy, representatives from 54 countries, along with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, met in Turkey on Friday. The root causes of Somalia’s many problems, and the remedies, should by now be obvious to all involved. Instead, the dignitaries assembled in Turkey — representing one-quarter of the nations on Earth — are proposing policies that would continue to doom the Somali people. Somalia, the failed state in the Horn of Africa, was born in 1960 with the seed of its own destruction — a grandiose commitment to achieve the dream of a Greater Somalia at the expense of its neighbours. Somalia’s five-pointed flag demonstrated this commitment. Two of the points represented British Somal...